Our Mission is to build Business-to-Business and Business-to-Consumer trade on the Cardano Blockchain.

We aim to do this by building our “Cardano Community Hubs Ecosystem”, worldwide, and to provide all the tools, education, and information needed to generate a “Cardano Digital Trading Economy”. This means software developers, digital service providers, operators of Cardano Hubs and their teams actively trading products and services priced in ₳DA and other Cardano native digital currencies, between all parts of the existing and future Cardano Community.

We want to encourage Cardano Blockchain enthusiasts everywhere to trade with each other in a borderless world and, have the tools, and incentives, to bring new entrants onto the Cardano Blockchain using the Cardano Hubs system.

We need to build a solid "Digital Blockchain Economy" that DOES NOT rely solely on “Financial Engineering”.

We need to focus on building day-to-day trading for products and services with the ability to pay in ₳DA, or other Cardano native Digital currencies, that eventually becomes common practice and a beneficial alternative option in life.

Our Mission is to Educate the public, businesses and industries about the benefits of using Blockchain Technologies to transparently protect their supply chains, maintain accurate records, guarantee brand authenticity, aid Governments and governance, establish digital identity, establish immutable ownership of all types of property and enabling The Internet of Things (IoT) in the digital cities of the future.