It will encourage adoption in the Cardano Ecosystem

A CARDANO COMMUNITY HUB is place for experts in Cardano blockchain technology to demonstrate the fruits of their skills, highlighting their cutting-edge achievements when deploying the technical components of Cardano. This builds awareness and encourages engineers from around the world to explore and join the Cardano movement.

A CARDANO COMMUNITY HUB also offers a place for engineers to find resources for training in the foundations of Cardano blockchain such as Plutus, Marlowe, and Haskell.

In addition, A CARDANO COMMUNITY HUB is a place business and organizations can source technical specialists and legal consultants needed to guide and support planning and implementing their Cardano smart-contract solution roadmaps.

A CARDANO COMMUNITY HUB is a place to inspire, guide and enable the Cardano Community to act as educators, brand ambassadors and growth accelerators.