CardanoCommunityHubs Activities
Welcome Dear Reader! Cardano is not seen as the “Blockchain for Business”, it should be! Cardano Community Hubs should be attracting businesses to us & making a profit to sustain themselves long-term.
By building Training Kits & more software tools with COTI ₳DA Pay, helping Cardano Hubs show the world we are the Blockchain for real-world business & increase ₳DA denominated ecosystem transactions.
We plan to offer multiple solutions that will be completed in a relatively short time, some of which have already been started as self-funded activities and some have been part funded by Project Catalyst.
Our proposal to build Business-to-Business & Business-to-Consumer trade within Cardano
We propose to continue building our “Cardano Community Hubs Ecosystem” that aims to provide all the tools and information (Listed below) needed to generate a “Cardano Trading Economy”, active trading priced in ₳DA and other native currencies.
We want to encourage Cardano enthusiasts to trade with each other and have the tools and incentives to bring new entrants onto the Cardano Blockchain using the Cardano Hubs model.
We need to build a solid ₳DA economy that DOES NOT rely on “Financial Engineering”.
We need to focus on building day-to-day trading for products and services with the ability to pay in ₳DA or other Cardano native currencies.
Comment: Crypto Traders are ruining the Crypto Market!
Financial manipulation & engineering is causing volatility and low prices, people are taking loans against crypto assets then re-investing the loan in more speculative Crypto investments – when the value goes down they have to sell at the bottom of the market to repay loans or unwind positions, further depressing the values.
These people are not contributing anything to the ecosystem, just creating more and more complicated and highly risky “money manipulation” for pure financial gain.
We need to create real revenues and profits that are sustainable though all market conditions and are real beneficial use-cases or utility for the blockchain, when blockchain businesses start earning profit through traditional trading the value of tokens becomes a secondary issue.
When Apple or Amazon’s share price goes down they do not stop making a profit!
There are good reasons why Cardano is Proof-of-Stake!
Cardano decided on proof-of-stake to enable low priced transactions, this has been achieved but we are not taking full advantage of this!
Cardano could overtake market capital of Etherium if we could create a vibrant “Real” trading economy. The Etherium “Gas Fees” have gone up to ridiculous heights when that blockchain gets congested (Thousands of dollars for one transaction sometimes), Cardano does not have that problem, so let’s benefit from this opportunity.
If Cardano is seen to be highly transactional offering real products and services in return for Cardano native currencies, no one can say “it’s a ghost chain” ever again!