This is a private community website
What Cardano Community Hubs Can Do For You
Join the Cardano blockchain revolution to expand your business and financial horizons or improve your community…, in your own language! Become an ambassador in your country & get your local Cardano project GRANT FUNDED !
We are Building Adoption, Education, Utility & Community for the Cardano™ Blockchain & Project Catalyst Funding, built by community members for the community.
Get together and create a "Blockchain Business" or Community Project in Your Country..,
Here Are Your Next Steps...,
Join Us!
To help you make new Connexions and exchange ideas we are promoting Cardano Community Hubs. Create a profile and even special interest groups. This social media platform is dedicated to the communities around Cardano™ and Project Catalyst and aims to facilitate an ever-growing international community.
Cardano ADA
Learn about Cardano and what it can do for you, whether you are an absolute beginner or an expert we offer you links to all the Cardano environment. We give you clear information about how you can engage with the community and How you can benefit by getting involved.
Catalyst Grant Funding
Learn how to secure grant funding from project catalyst, you can gain funding for projects aiming to use Cardano to improve lifestyles, build new Blockchain applications or to make business more efficient. We can tell you exactly how the system works and help guide you through the process of securing grant funding from this billion-dollar fund.
Start Learning How To Apply For Grant Funding...,
Grant Funding Quick Application Form
Cardano ADA Wallet
Install a Yoroi Cardano Wallet into your browser completely free of charge - You can install Yoroi into Chrome, Edge and Firefox Browsers - Also Android and iOS. You will need a wallet to securely store digital currencies and digital assets, learn more about it by clicking the link below - You will also find out about some surprise bonuses when you register with our website.
The products & services we offer you to help you run your Cardano Community Hubs
We will publish a multilingual online training course about starting and building a Cardano Community Hub that becomes financially self-sustainable removing the reliance on funding from Project Catalyst.
Learn how to secure grant funding from project catalyst, you can gain funding for projects aiming to use Cardano to improve lifestyles, build new applications or to make business more efficient. We can tell you exactly how the system works and help guide you through the process of securing grant funding from this billion-dollar fund.
We are developing multimedia multilingual online Business courses and online digital training to help our Cardano Hubs make money, this includes our growing Online Business eBook Library.
We are developing training and clear guidance on Launching and running Cardano Community Hubs profitably, also how to approach and attract new users of the Cardano Blockchain.
We have built a number of payment gateways for multiple shopping carts based on Joomla and Wordpress, these need further development and integrations, also we need to provide comprehensive support and documentation for them.
We are in the process of developing “Cardano Cart”, this is a dedicated shopping cart ready to accept ₳DA for any product or service, you could even sell your NFTs directly to the buyers. It will be able to interface with Cardano Wallets, ₳DA Pay and much more.
Charles Hoskinson Talks About Cardano Community Hubs
"So it makes a lot of sense to set up a collection of community hubs, have the community run those hubs and give them the resources that they need to be able to get things done."
"I would love to see Cardano hubs in every major population centre and on every major continent and I would love to see local Cardano community members grant funded to run these hubs"
Charles Hoskinson - CEO IOHK