Monetize the Community Hub
A CARDANO COMMUNITY HUB encourages each Hub to pursue sustainable commercial activity through the promotion and sale of Cardano related products and services.
A CARDANO COMMUNITY HUB offer’s readily available Cardano blockchain transaction and payment solutions that can be implemented both on and off the site to generate revenue or increase their donation base.
16 Ways to Earn Cardano ADA
If you do not have money to buy Cardano ADA Tokens you can earn them by taking part in various Community Activities, we will be building the content to explain each method in more detail.
- Catalyst Grant Funding
- Referring Projects To Project Catalyst
- Native Tokens
- Cardano NFT’s
- Staking Your ADA
- Bounty AirDrops of Native Tokens
- Run Cardano Stake Pool
- Request Donations
- Metaverse Tokens & NFT's
- Sell Merchandise
- Voting On Catalyst Projects
- Assessing Catalyst Projects
- Veteran Project Assessing
- CardanoCART - Sell Your Products
- CardanoCART - Sell Your Services
- Join Our Affiliate Program